I dont do diets and such...i'm in good shape as far as weight goes, but i do have addictions so i'm not knocking anyone. anyhow, i was thinking the other day how everyone wants a pill to cure everything or a get rich qwik scheme or............well you know what i mean. So for all the people that cant change what they eat or how much they eat and stick w/ it, maybe this would work better than no plan at all. Say you start on monday, strict diet as far as amount of food eaten and amount of fat in that. Then tuesday you eat normally, and wednesday you go back on diet and so on. So another words every other day you diet and days in between you eat whatever. Or maybe eat diet for 2 days and eat normally for 1 day and keep cycling it like so. I figure this would work ok, especially if you are not doing anything now. But that way you still get to eat burgers and pizza and such. And for 1/2 or 2/3 of the year you are eating healthy. I was thinking of suggesting this to my friend that is heavily over weight, but i wanted to see what others thought about how this plan may work in reality. I dont have a pHd, but in theory it seems good.